winegrape harvest
(Photo: Yakov Oskanov /

By Valley Ag Voice Staff 

Mark your calendars for a trio of essential agricultural events kicking off the new year. From innovative approaches to managing grapevine diseases and extreme heat to safety advancements and best practices across agriculture, these events are designed to address critical issues and bring the farming community together. 


The 2025 San Joaquin Valley Grape Symposium is scheduled for Jan. 8 at the Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Parlier, California. 

The annual grape symposium is one of the longest-held University of California Cooperative Extension meetings in the Valley. This year, the symposium will focus on grapevine fungal disease and virus management, the benefits of cover crops, mealybug and ant control, and the effect of extreme heat on grape production.  

Attendees will also visit Kearney’s natural DOV raisin block for a mechanical pruning trial on Sunpreme Raisin Grapes and the future raisin research projects in Kearney.  

For more information, contact George Zhuang at  


Save the date for the 2025 North Valley Nut Conference on Jan. 15. The event will take place in Chino, California, at Silver Dollar Fairgrounds. More information on registration and the agenda will be available closer to the event date.  


The Kern County Farm Bureau is hosting its 19th Annual Spray Safe event, bringing together over 700 people who are committed to learning agricultural safety. The event is set for Jan. 17 and will take place at the Kern County Fairgrounds.  

Year after year, this educational event provides information on the latest advancements and best practices in agricultural safety.  

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