Edible Schoolyard Kern County
Edible Schoolyard Kern County

By Allie Cushnyr, Chair, Kern County Young Farmers, & Ranchers

Allie Cushnyr
Allie Cushnyr, Chair, Kern County Young Farmers & Ranchers

Our September event, at the Buena Vista Edible Schoolyard (ESY), went great! For those who have not been to their site, it’s a space to teach kids about growing food and cooking with it after harvest. Not only do they run a small farm with a bountiful harvest, but they also manage chickens that provide fresh eggs for the recipes too. One of the buildings on site is home to their teaching kitchen, where the staff teaches the kids (and occasionally adults like us) how to create a culinary masterpiece from the gifts of the garden. Our participants made homemade pasta and pesto that paired with a fresh garden salad. Each person got the chance to meet and work with others from the YF&R group at one of the three workstations. After the food was done, we reaped the rewards of our hard work as we all sat down to enjoy a meal together. The experience allowed us to see what it was like for the kids who attend the programs being provided by the ESY. We are blessed to have this program in Kern County, and I hope that the ESY continues to expand so more children have the opportunity to attend this educational program.

In October, the Kern Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) will be helping with the Farm Bureau’s Bounty of Kern County on October 9th. Be on the lookout for our members volunteering at the check in table and selling tickets for a gun or two to benefit both Farm Bureau and the YF&R group. You can also help support the YF&R program by finding the silent auction items we have at Bounty, including a team of 4 for the Clay Shoot on March 5, 2022 at 5 Dogs.

Keep your eye out for the November meeting where we will be electing our 2022 YF&R committee. If you were looking for a chance to get more involved with the group and plan tours/meetings, this is your opportunity. We will be sending out a nomination form in mid-October to get the elections kicked off, so be on the lookout!

As always, I want to share that being a part of the Kern County Young Farmers and Ranchers group comes at no cost, and we welcome everyone between 18-35 years old. This is a great group to be a part of to give back to the community, network with other professionals, and have a good time with friends. If you would like to jump on our email list to receive information about upcoming events, please reach out to us. We are also active on both Facebook and Instagram.

Email: KernYFR@KernCFB.com

Instagram: @KernYFR

Facebook: KernYoungFarmersAndRanchers

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