By Allie Cushnyr, Chair, Kern County Young Farmers & Ranchers

Summer is unfortunately coming to an end, but many of us are looking forward to cooler fall weather, some post-harvest relaxation, and our local county fair. As I look back on last summer, we did a lot! Being a part of this group means that you get behind the scenes tours of operations you (likely) would not have been able to tour otherwise. We went to Redhouse Beef just west of Bakersfield, toured JSS Almonds in the heart of town, and hosted a Charity Farmer’s Market to support our local community. There were two socials, each at a different locally owned and operated brewery, that had great turnouts! We also had three Kern YF&R members representing Kern YF&R at the California Summer Leaders Meeting in Santa Rosa, CA where Kern YF&R came home with the 2020 Committee of the Year Trophy. Kern County Young Farmers & Ranchers was one of the most active YF&R’s in the state this last summer, and we plan to keep that going.
Our next event is on September 2, 2021 at the Buena Vista Edible Schoolyard located at 6520 Buena Vista Rd, Bakersfield, 93311. The event has limited space, so get your tickets early via Eventbrite. If you are a Farm Bureau member it’s $15 per ticket, and if you are not a Farm Bureau member it’s $20. We will need volunteers at some events coming up including, Bounty of Kern County, which is always a great event to raise funds for both Farm Bureau and YF&R.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! We have booked our 2nd Annual Clay Shoot once again at 5 Dogs Range, located at 20238 Woody Rd, Bakersfield, 93308. The shoot will take place on March 5, 2022 so be on the watch for sign-ups along with sponsorship options! This event raises money for our annual Ag Grants for local FFA & 4-H students with projects at the fair.
As always, I want to share that being a part of the Kern County Young Farmers and Ranchers group comes at no cost, and we welcome everyone between 18-35 years old. This is a great group to be a part of to give back to the community, network with other professionals, and have a good time with friends. If you would like to jump on our email list to receive information about upcoming events, please reach out to us. We are also active on both Facebook and Instagram.
Email: KernYFR@KernCFB.com
Instagram: @KernYFR
Facebook: KernYoungFarmersAndRanchers