By: Valley Ag Staff. Farmer’s market. Photo: Valley Ag Voice

Growing strong and healthy communities is about more than just providing healthy food options; it’s about giving back to support and uplift others.  That was the very goal of the Kern County Young Farmers and Rancher’s 6th Annual Farmers Market held on July 11th, 2019.

Allie Cushnyr, the Vice President for the Young Farmers and Ranchers, said she has been attending the event since 2015.  “I first attended the event in 2015.  Being in agriculture, I wanted to give back to the community and network with other young professionals in the agriculture community as well.  The market is what involved me in Young Farmers and Ranchers.”

According to Cushnyr, all the fruits, vegetables, nuts, and plants were donated by local growers.  The proceeds of the event go to support the Boys and Girls Club of Lamont.  The event in 2015 supported a garden for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kern County in East Bakersfield.  This year our goal is to raise enough money to build a garden bed for the kids at the Boys and Girls Club Lamont location. Last year the market raised over $6,000, and this year the goal is to raise $8,000. 

The CSUB Agriculture Club came out in force to help support the Farmers Market.  According to Adrian Sunita, President of the Club, nearly have of the club was in attendance.  “Support from the local growers is the most notable aspect of the day.  Local growers made it happen.”

Cushnyr added, “The whole community helps to make this event a success.  Without the community supporting the event and buying local produce we wouldn’t be able to support the efforts of the Lamont Boys and Girls Club.”

To learn more about Kern County Young Farmers and Ranchers you can find them on Facebook or visit their website at

SOURCEFarmer's market. Photo: Valley Ag Voice
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