Ultra Gro delivered more than a fabulous Luigi’s lunch at their recent lunch and learn held on June 6th at the Kern Ag Pavilion. The company shared the benefits of two Ultra Gro products, Crop Shield and Game Changer.
“Crop Shield and Game Changer are going to revolutionize California Agriculture. We are lowering canopy temps 12-15 degrees, improving quality and dramatically increasing yields. This is a clear non poly product that can ride with anything and is the least expensive product on the market. This is cutting edge technology in a league of its own,” said Dustin Stewart CCA Ultra Gro
Dustin Stewart a Certified Crop Advisor with Ultra Gro kicked of the lunch by talking about heat, an issue we all dread during summer in the Central Valley. At 85 degrees Fahrenheitplants start to shut down and between 95- and 104-degreesphotosynthesis and respiration in the plant stops. Once this happens, the plant is essentiallystagnating and starving. A series of adverse reactions begin to occur in the plant that directly affect the quality and yield potential of the crop.The plants start to use up their stored sugar, lipid liquefaction occurs, and then we see protein denaturation. An example protein denaturation can be seen in oranges when hard, flat spots start to show up incitrus.
This is where Crop Shield delivers! “Crop shield provides Ultraviolet protection for your fields. In our numerous trials, we have seen an average of 10-15 degree drop in temperature when Crop shield is applied,” commented Dustin Stewart. Crop shield accomplishes this with Nano technology by refracting heat instead of reflecting heat. Reflection can still lead to hot spots that still hit areas of the crop. By refracting heat, it is bounced off in other numerous directions minimizing the negative impact to the fruit and improving yields. This clear, non poly product can mix with insecticides and fungicides in as little as a 10 gallon ride.
Multiple trials have taken place throughout California showing the benefits to crops from grapes, nuts, citrus, tomatoes and more. Ultra Gro’s new product Game Changer is looking to be just that, a game changer for the growers of the Central Valley. Protecting the crops by keeping them cooler longer and by feeding the plant with NPKs and minor nutrients, they are seeing significant increases in yields and quality. Game changer is a combination of Ultra Gro’s NPKs and their Crop Shield product.
If you missed the tri-tip, chicken, pasta and salad from Luigi’s, you can still learn about the benefits of Crop Shield and Game Changer by visiting Ultra Gro’s website at www.ultragro.net.