robot feeding farm animals
Robot programmed to work on the farm premises feeding animals. (Photo: Andrey-Sha74 /

Press Release Provided by Western Growers

The beginnings of a robotics revolution in the agricultural world will take place in California on Oct. 18-20.

Over 800 people who work in the food system, technology experts and others are expected to gather at FIRA USA in Fresno, Calif., to discover the latest self-sustaining solutions to farm labor shortages and environmental challenges.

They will be joined by representatives of the University of California, Western Growers, Fresno-Merced Future of Food (F3) and the City of Fresno. Karen Ross, California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary, will kick off FIRA USA by outlining challenges to the food system that technology may address.

FIRA stands for “Forum International de la Robotique Agricole” in French, or “International Forum for Agricultural Robotics,” and was launched in 2016 in Toulouse, in the south of France. Since then, GOFAR organizes the World FIRA every year in Toulouse, and launches regional FIRA around the World to address specific markets.

More information and registration is available here:

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