By John Moore President,
Kern County Farm Bureau

As I write this message on March 18th, 2020, I’d say that the year is turning out to be a wild one, and three months in we have witnessed unprecedented events in reaction to Corona Virus. Never in my life have I seen such a large-scale public reaction to one particular event. If you are anything like me, you are growing tired of talking about COVID-19, but there is no denying that the spread of the disease has shed light on our supply chains in the global economy, need for a domestic food supply, and serves as a reminder about the character of agriculturalists.
Globalization, which has become a hotly contested word, has enabled the world economy to flourish in ways that could not have been imagined two-hundred years ago. But like most things in life, the global economy has its pitfalls. Our farmers and ranchers have accessed markets in every corner of the world to deliver a product that is virtually unmatched. A California perishable or non-perishable product is indeed the gold standard. Unfortunately, when our supply chains are disrupted, our perishable crop producers are the first to suffer. The silver lining is that California non-perishables are maintaining value worldwide if not maintaining price based on crop receipts. This latest worldwide incident continues to strengthen the case that a strong domestic food system is essential to our national security.
These events highlight the importance of a stable domestic food supply, which is critical to our national security. This means continuing to support of agriculturalists by delivering water supplies and keeping costs manageable in the long-term. People need to eat. And people need to eat an American grown product. If ever there was an argument for the necessity of a home-grown food supply, this global pandemic is it.
In light of all of these unique world events, we must keep in mind and remind our consumers that supply chains will return from their disrupted state; toilet paper will once again fill the aisles of local stores and online retailers, and we will see brighter days. Economic fundamentals in the United States remain strong, and our farmers and ranchers continue to lead by example. The example we lead is one of muted strength and unwavering optimism in the face of unprecedented challenges. We replant after a crop failure and advocate in the midst of increased regulatory burdens. Plants do not stop growing, and neither does the work of farmers. We can be proud to serve this industry.
Thank you for all that you do, and all of us at the Kern County Farm Bureau are proud to serve each and every one of you every day.