By Romeo Agbalog, Executive Director, Kern County Farm Bureau

August is the height of summer, and your local Farm Bureau is peaking with activity. Recently, your Farm Bureau spoke up and shared its concerns regarding the state’s “Regions Rise Together” initiative to both the Governor and Speaker of the Assembly. We have been closely following the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and its process of developing a Statewide Pesticide Application Notification System, including engagement at public workshops, and submitting formal comments to DPR expressing concerns.
Your Farm Bureau sub-committees are humming with activity as well, with the activation of the Political Committee which is tasked with identifying key local, state, and federal races and interviewing candidates for these offices to determine which will be agriculture’s strongest advocates and earn the coveted Farm Bureau endorsement. Of course, the Bounty of Kern County Committee continues its work planning and preparing for Kern’s premier Farm to Fork event of the year slated for Saturday, October 8th. Also, right around the corner is our Save Water, Drink Beer event planned by our Education and Outreach Committee to be held on Thursday, August 11th at Temblor Brewing in Bakersfield. Should you have any questions about any of these events or would like to attend, please call us at (661) 397-9635 or email
Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not mention a few past events and the hard work of the volunteers and supporters who make them happen. First, special thanks to Pam Brunni for her work on this year’s Teachers Ag Seminar that concluded and the end of July. Pam is a familiar face and the rudder behind Farm Bureau’s Farm Day in the City, but her work with Teachers Ag Seminar is invaluable insights and knowledge to local area educators about the agriculture industry and its value to the community and beyond that can be shared with students in classrooms across the county. Also, congratulations to Kern’s Young Farmer’s and Ranchers for holding another successful farmers market at Norris Middle School that showcased a variety for fresh fruits and vegetables from local area farms and sharing proceeds to help Bakersfield’s Edible Schoolyard program. Lastly in the spirit of advocating, educating, and promoting local area agriculture Farm Bureau Board President Patty Poire served as a guest speaker at the Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Governmental Review Council meeting as well as guest speaker at Teachers Ag Seminar banquet. Farm Bureau officers serve on a volunteer basis, so I appreciate very much the time and effort they provide to promote the Kern County Farm Bureau and local area agriculture.