By Sandy Mittelsteadt,
Contributor, Valley Ag Voice
As 2020 begins, the stakes for the Christian faith can hardly be higher. This year America faces several epic choices that will define our country for generations. These choices include: the Supreme Court, abortion rights, wealth inequality, etc.
We are following years where dangerous beliefs were born. Sam Harris wrote The End of Faith in 2004. This was followed in 2006 with two books. The first was Daniel Dennett’s book, Breaking the Spell, and the second was Richard Dawkins’, The God Delusion. Finally, in 2007, there is Christopher Hitchens’ book, God Is Not Great. All four of these atheists have been successful in captivating public interest and downgrading “Faith.”
Are you concerned enough that people are listening to these atheists that in 2020 you are willing to do something about it? If you are, know that according to Pastor D. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, FAITH is the answer. He states that:
• Faith focuses beyond today into the future.
• Faith obtains the approval of God.
• Faith expects perseverance.
• Faith pays no attention to feelings.
• Faith concentrates on the promises and the One who promises.
And here are some things that Pastor D. believes you can do.
1. Pray for people who are not believers.
2. Seek to understand why they don’t believe. (Many believe that they have to give up their lifestyle, money, freedom, and/or intellect to be a Christian.)
3. Actively devise ways to reach out to tell people about the Gospel.
4. Understand that talking to someone else about the Gospel is probably one of the hardest things you can do, so choose one item from the list below to do this week. Next week, pick a different one. (The goal is not to force the Gospel on anyone, but to simply tell them the Truth and answer any questions they have.)
Here is a list of 45 small ways to share the Gospel. (Taken from a list entitled 101 Small Ways to Share the Gospel by Brady Cook.)
1. Open your Bible and read it to yourself in a public place.
2. Agree to read your Bible together with a friend in a public place.
3. Agree to read a Bible with a small group in a public place.
4. Ask someone where they go to church.
5. Ask someone questions about their church.
6. Invite a person to church next Sunday.
7. Volunteer to teach or co-teach a Sunday School Class.
8. Distribute free Bibles at a garage sale.
9. Mention God in a casual conversation.
10. Mention prayer in a casual conversation.
11. Mention a favorite Bible verse in
casual conversation.
12. Put a Bible verse plaque on your desk at work.
13. Volunteer at a hospital or nursing home.
14. Volunteer at a food bank.
15. Start a blog.
16. Start a YouTube channel.
17. Start a podcast.
18. Give God the glory instead of the blame.
19. Explain why you refuse to engage in an ungodly behavior.
20. Write out a Bible verse in chalk on the sidewalk in front of your house.
21. Make a Facebook post with a Bible verse.
22. Host a movie night with a Biblically-
focused movie.
23. Offer a home Bible study.
24. Lead a devotional.
25. Include a Bible verse in your e-mail signature.
26. Bring food to a neighbor in need and offer to pray with them.
27. Offer to pray with someone in need.
28. Study the Gospel yourself. (The more you think about it, the more it will come out of
your mouth.)
29. Ask someone why they became a Christian.
30. Share why you became a Christian with a friend.
31. Pray for opportunities to present the Gospel.
32. Listen for openings in conversations you have.
33. Start a Book Club.
34. Leave a Bible in your car.
35. Sing a hymn casually.
36. Pray before a meal in a restaurant.
37. Share a sermon with someone.
38. Ask a deep question. My deep question is: “How does God bring you joy?”
39. Say that you will pray for someone instead of saying that “I hope you feel better.”
40. Get active in a social issue that will allow you to share the Gospel.
41. Listen to people and their issues.
42. Make family Bible study a regular event.
43. Share Biblical articles on social media.
44. Share a comment on God’s handiwork when talking about nature.
45. Say “I am blessed.” When replying to “How are you doing?”
God Can Use You!!!