Tuesday, February 18, 2025

CAFF Hosts Small Farm Tech Expo in Fresno

By Natalie Willis, Reporter, Valley Ag Voice In partnership, the Kearney Agriculture Research and Extension Center and the Community Alliance with Family Farmers hosted a...
Irrigation Management

Central Valley Water Management Plans are Underway  

Natalie Willis, Reporter, Valley Ag Voice Water coalitions from the Central Valley joined the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program Stakeholder Meeting on July 26 to discuss...
Ranchbot device

Building a Better Ranch with Ranchbot

By Audrey Hill, Feature Contributor, Valley Ag Voice Those who have worked in ranching know the time it takes and the importance of manually checking...
irrigation drip system

Rain Bird Agriculture Launches S5 Smart Spacing for Pressure Compensating Heavywall Dripline

The custom dripline product saves water, energy and labor Press Release Provided by Rain Bird Agriculture Rain Bird Agriculture, a leading manufacturer and provider of precision...
Solar panels over water canal

Innovative Solar Project Awarded State Funds: DWR Funds Turlock Irrigation District to Install Solar...

Press release provided by the California Department of Water Resources On February 8th, the California Department of Water Resources announced the award of $20 million...
wild fire

ACWA Leadership on Headwaters Health Driving Long-Term Response to Wildfires

By Dave Eggerton, Executive Director, Association of California Water Agencies Reprinted with Permission From ACWA Dave Eggerton Executive Director, Association of California Water Agencies Another year of catastrophic wildfires...
The Magic of Water water tank

Have You Seen the Magic?

Maybe you have seen the Magic, or should I say The Magic of Water. They appear to be mystical murals honoring our agriculture heritage and they have been showing up on water tanks for various water districts all over Kern County. They are a welcome site to many travelers on our local freeways, and they send a message about local water.
groundwater irrigation

Farmers Looking for Answers in Groundwater Plans

Now that actual pumping amounts are coming out per the state’s new groundwater law, farmers, bankers, farm managers and others are getting a clearer picture of their post SGMA worlds.
field being irrigated

If You’re Concerned about Climate Change and Water Supply, California Farms Can Help...

Press Release provided by California Farm Water Coalition A new UN climate study indicates that climate change will be a bigger problem for farmers and...