The Central Valley Honeybee
By Audrey Hill, Feature Contributor, Valley Ag Voice
As many of us know, almonds are a major source of income for the Central Valley, and...
Birds and the BeesZZZ…
By Marcia Wolfe
Contributor, Valley Ag Voice
I was out in the backyard pulling weeds around the bird bath one day last week. I bent over...
California Almond Community Announces Five-Point Pollinator Protection Plan
Reprinted with permission from the Almond Board of California
Preceding the start of the annual almond pollination season in February, the California almond community is...
U.S. Beekeepers Suffered Higher than Average Colony Loss Last Year, with Winter Losses the...
Press Release: Provided by University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
COLLEGE PARK, MD, June 19, 2019—Beekeepers across the United States lost 40.7%...