Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Needed Reformation 

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  “And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and...

Defense Part One:  Identity 

Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  This will be the first of several articles dedicated to providing a reasonable defense for Protestantism, particularly why...

The Protestant Problem 

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  Over several years, Trent Horn and others have listed several problems they believe should give pause to...


By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice Across the world, we find members of the body of Christ joining together to sing praise and...

Connected by the Church Body   

Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  Imagine yourself in the church of Ephesus caught up in all manners of debate regarding fundamental issues to...

An Unlikely Example 

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  The disciples' response is one of the most fascinating parts of the Easter message. Until the moment...

What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple of Christ? 

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  Imagine the excitement of the disciples fresh off returning from a journey in which they saw God...

Are the Gospels Historically Reliable? 

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  For nearly two millennia, Christians have looked to the gospels to read the words and acts of...


By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  If someone were to come to you with the following list: real, communal, perfect, everlasting, hopeful –...

A Question and Answer 

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice  “Bone cancer in children, what’s that about? How dare you, how dare you create a world in...
open bible

The Power of a Promise

Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice All scripture may flow from the simple phrase "But God." However, it is held together by the knowledge...

Purposeful Life

Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is...

Ephesians 2: 4-7, But God

Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when...

Ephesians 2, Dead in Our Sins

Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of...
Bible resting on the American flag.

Freedom in Christ

Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice This month we celebrate our nation's Independence Day. We will see friends, family, and neighbors join in traditional...
woman praying with young girl in a hospital bed

Evil and Love

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice At some point in every believer’s life, they will face the question, “Why does God allow bad...
two men reading a bible

Shameless Faith

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole...
Moses with tablets

Who Then Shall We Seek

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice For many reasons, placing a person on a pedestal only leads to disappointment. A good example of...
cross in water

Who Leads Us?

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice 1 Corinthians 1:10–17 (ESV) “10I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that...
people praying

Even When Church Is Canceled, Church Isn’t Canceled

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice On Sunday, February 9th, 2014, several dozen students at Corban University gathered in a dorm to listen...

The Pendulum of Intellectualism

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their...
woman praying in church

Church, What Is It Good For?

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice This month many churches across the valley will see a huge bump in attendance as we celebrate...
Jesus praying

What Do You Believe?

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice What do you believe? If someone were to ask you what you believe, what would you say?...
woman praying

Trusting in Silence

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice It seems as inevitable as the sun rising over the horizon and setting once more that there...
hand on bible

Power of Testimony

By Joshua Stevens, Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice To give a testimony is to provide a witness or evidence.¹ We often see the word testimony...
shadow of three men on three camels in the desert

The Gospel in the Gifts

By Joseph Delgado, Guest Faith Contributor, Valley Ag Voice It’s that time of year again! Pools are full, fireworks fill the sky, and you’ve probably...